I love stories. I
love the power of stories and the capacity they carry to teach lessons. One that comes to mind concerning the school leaders is the story of William Dawes. William Dawes was a peer of Paul Revere, and charged with
the same task to ride out and send word of the British army’s arrival in the
greater Lexington area. While Paul took
one route, William took another. You are
quite familiar with the Ride of Paul Revere, so why doesn’t the Dash of William
Dawes make it into the history books?

In his book
Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell points out the message the two individuals
was exactly the same: it was a critical message that would influence the length
and outcome of the war. The difference
was not in the message that was being sent, but in the connection of the
individuals to the greater community.
Revere was very well connected: He was a member of a number of civic
organizations, active in the community, was well-versed in a variety of topics
and could have a conversation with almost any person about anything (usually in
a pub). Dawes, on the other hand, was
not connected to the community. While he
was a patriot and knowledgeable individual, he simply was an unknown and not
connected to the greater community. As a
result, Dawes message was largely disregarded.
As education leaders, it is important that we are not only known to
our immediate school community, but that we allow our influence to grow beyond within
our district, into the state, and even nationally. Today’s leaders are not only charged with
taking care of their own backyard, but using their influence concerning the
entire landscape of the education at the local level and beyond. That is why being active learners ourselves is so important, and we do it best through connections, #edcamps, and learning networks. It is also why we should join professional associations. I'm a proud member and past officer of the Missouri Association of Elementary School Principals (
@MoAESP), and have been a proud member of National Association of Elementary School Principals (
@NAESP) during the tenure of my school leadership.

Belonging to local, state & national organizations is a win-win, both for you as an individual and for the
organizations. It is a chance to
collaborate with principals in your region and across the state. It is a means to connect and communicate with
a greater audience concerning the value and importance of supporting public
education and the impact that leadership has upon learning and culture. It is an opportunity to work alongside leaders from within and outside education organizations to
critically think and work toward a greater common good and increasing the the quality of life by those we impact. And finally, active membership provides learning connections and opportunities from each other, which in turn prompts creative and
innovative solutions in navigating our ever-changing landscape.
The education leader of today has a job description that makes
them, in short, nothing less than a connected marvel who is everything to
everybody. It is a difficult task, but
one that can be accomplished, especially with the support of others in the same
cause. So take a moment to reflect upon
the lesson of William Dawes. How can you
increase your leverage and connection? In what ways can you increase your capacity?
How might you serve your community and tell your story? For me, being a part of something bigger has connecting points for all
areas. Please join me in encouraging fellow leaders to join in our efforts as we connect people to purpose.
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